Cloud or local: The pros and cyber security considerations


At Yopla, we frequently think about online safety. It's a fundament of strategy to align people and tech. For our clients a big part of the cyber security conversation is often whether to use cloud or local computing. But it's not just about tech choices, it's how we think about and organise our work. Cyber security underpins how reactive and adaptable our digital workspace can be, directly influencing the cultural norms of our organisations. Moving towards cloud computing might mean we're changing how and where we work, and becoming more time and task flexible.

With more data stored in the cloud, our own networks and devices have less to do. So, we had to ask: does this change alone make our work more flexible and fast, and is that universally a good thing? Looking at the pros and cons, and the safety issues of both ways helps us understand this changing world and make good choices for our digital future.

The cloud approach: Efficiency and scalability at its finest

Efficiency and reduced overhead

Adopting cloud-based applications significantly reduces the IT infrastructure burden, slashing the CapEx (and often OpEx) costs associated with on-premises hardware maintenance and offering a leaner operational model.

Unmatched scalability

The cloud provides elastic scalability, allowing for the adjustment of resources with unprecedented ease, facilitating growth and adaptation without the need for heavy upfront investments.

Collaboration and accessibility

Enhancing teamwork, especially across distances, cloud applications offer real-time updates and centralised data storage, smoothing out the collaboration process in a distributed workforce.

Maintenance and security updates

Cloud providers take on the responsibility of regular software updates and security patching, ensuring that systems remain secure against emerging threats without additional workload on internal teams.

Data transit security

By centralising data storage in the cloud, the risks associated with data being intercepted during transmission are significantly minimised, bolstering data security.

The local approach: Control and customisation in your hands

Data sovereignty

For organisations subject to strict data handling regulations, local computing offers unrivaled control over data storage and processing, aligning with compliance and privacy requirements.

Tailored solutions

The ability to customise and integrate local solutions enables organisations to tailor their IT systems precisely, optimising processes and efficiency to meet unique operational demands.

Performance perks

Local processing can offer superior performance for specific, data-intensive applications by eliminating the latency associated with data transmission to and from the cloud.

Enhanced security measures

Direct oversight of security measures, including firewalls, user access controls, and endpoint protection, allows for a bespoke security framework, finely tuned to an organisation's specific risk landscape.

Reliability without connectivity

Local applications ensure operational continuity in environments with limited or no internet connectivity, providing a robust solution for uninterrupted business operations.

Quick comparison: Cloud vs local

Cloud applications:

  • Lower IT overhead and operational costs.
  • Scalable and flexible resource management.
  • Enhanced team collaboration capabilities.
  • Automatic updates for security and features.
  • Reduced data transmission risks.

Local applications:

  • Complete control over data management.
  • Customisation and integration flexibility.
  • Potential for improved performance.
  • Tailored cybersecurity strategies.
  • Dependability in varied connectivity environments.

Conclusion: Finding your path in the cloud or keeping it local

Choosing between cloud and local infrastructures is a decision deeply influenced by an organisation's specific needs, from operational scale and regulatory obligations to cybersecurity priorities. A hybrid approach, leveraging the cloud's agility alongside the control offered by local computing, might provide a balanced path for many, aligning with the diverse demands of the digital era.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, a thoughtful exploration of these computing models is crucial. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each empowers you to navigate the complexities of digital transformation, ensuring a sustainable and performant path forward your digital endeavours.