Prospecting in 2024

As we approach 2024, the landscape of sales prospecting continues to evolve rapidly. Staying ahead of the curve requires leveraging the latest tools and techniques to ensure your business development representatives (BDRs) are as effective as possible. Here at Yopla, we’ve identified several key strategies and trends that can help your team succeed in the modern sales environment.

The Essential Sales Tools for 2024

Video Prospecting with Vidyard and Loom

Personalised video messages have become a powerful tool in the sales toolkit. Using platforms like  SendSpark ,  Vidyard  and  Loom , BDRs can create engaging, personalised videos to capture the attention of prospects. These tools are particularly effective for follow-ups and adding a human touch to digital communication.

Technology Insights with Wavelizer and BuiltWith

Understanding the tech stack of potential clients is crucial. Tools like Wavelizer and BuiltWith allow BDRs to identify the technologies that a prospect's company is using. This information can be used to tailor pitches and highlight how your solutions can integrate with or enhance their current setup.

Contact and Intent Data with Apollo

 Apollo  is an excellent source of B2B data, providing comprehensive contact information and intent data. This tool helps BDRs identify key stakeholders and understand their behaviour and engagement with your industry, allowing for more targeted and effective outreach.

CRM and Sales Management with HubSpot, Salesforce, Dynamics, and PipeDrive

Effective customer relationship management (CRM) is essential for tracking leads and managing the sales pipeline. Tools like  HubSpot , Salesforce, Dynamics, and PipeDrive offer robust CRM capabilities, enabling BDRs to keep track of interactions, set reminders for follow-ups, and move leads through the sales pipeline efficiently. These platforms also provide valuable analytics and insights into sales performance, helping teams refine their strategies.

Email Optimisation with Grammarly and HubSpot Sales Extension

Effective communication is key to prospecting success. Grammarly helps ensure that emails are clear, concise, and error-free. The HubSpot Sales Extension, on the other hand, offers features like open notifications and click tracking, which provide insights into how prospects are engaging with your emails.

Additional Great Tools

  • Gong: For conversation analytics and coaching.
  • Grain: For recording and transcribing video calls.
  • Sendspark: For creating personalised video messages.

Structuring an Effective BDR Day

A well-structured day is crucial for BDR productivity. Here are some suggested activities and their corresponding KPIs:

Morning Activities

  • Prospecting and Research: Spend the first hour identifying 5-10 new accounts and 1-4 contacts within each account using tools like  Apollo .
  • Initial Outreach: Conduct a call block aimed at warmer leads, such as those who have engaged with your content or visited your website.

Midday Activities

  • Follow-Up Emails: Send follow-up emails based on the morning’s calls and any previous engagements.
  • Cold Outreach: Dedicate time to proactive outreach, targeting prospects that match your ideal customer profile.

Afternoon Activities

  • Additional Call Block: Another round of calls, focusing on both new prospects and follow-ups from the morning.
  • Review and Planning: Spend the last part of the day reviewing performance metrics and planning for the next day.

Identifying Good Fit Companies

Using Apollo for Contact and Company Data

 Apollo  provides a rich database of B2B contacts and companies, allowing you to identify and target key decision-makers. This tool can surface buying intent signals, ensuring your outreach is timely and relevant.

Team Structures

Understanding a prospect’s organisational structure can help tailor your approach. Companies with a dedicated marketing team might be looking for additional support, while those without might need more comprehensive services.

Key Indicators

  • New Hires: New leaders can signify changes and opportunities.
  • Tech Stack: Companies using multiple disjointed tools may benefit from an integrated solution.
  • Engagement: Companies engaging with your content are warmer leads and should be prioritised.

Examples of Good Fit Companies in Different Industries

Accounting Firms

For accounting firms, a good fit company might be those experiencing growth or expanding their service offerings. Indicators of a good fit include:

  • Recent mergers or acquisitions.
  • Hiring sprees, especially for senior financial roles.
  • New service offerings, such as advisory or consulting services.

In this case, tools like Apollo can help identify key decision-makers, while BuiltWith can provide insights into the technology they are using for financial management and reporting. Your pitch could focus on how your solutions streamline financial operations and enhance client services.

Engineering Companies

Engineering companies often look for solutions that improve project management and collaboration. Good fit indicators include:

  • Winning new large contracts or projects.
  • Investing in new technology or tools.
  • Expanding their engineering teams.

Wavelizer and BuiltWith can provide information on the current tech stack, which you can leverage to position your solutions as enhancements to their existing workflows. Apollo helps identify key project managers or heads of engineering who are likely decision-makers.

Non-Profit Organisations

For non-profits focused on fundraising, identifying potential donors is key. Indicators that a potential donor is looking to fund include:

  • Recent philanthropic activities or donations to similar causes.
  • Public statements or press releases about their interest in certain charitable activities.
  • Engagement in fundraising events or campaigns.

Apollo or Clearbit are great tools to help identify key contacts in foundations or donor networks. Your approach should highlight how your solutions can increase fundraising efficiency, enhance donor engagement, and improve overall campaign management.

Crafting Effective Emails

Show Me You Know Me

Personalisation is critical. Start your emails by referencing something specific about the prospect, such as a recent company achievement or a relevant industry trend. This shows that you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in their business.

Identify Pain Points

Highlight common challenges that companies in their industry face and relate these to the solutions you offer. This positions you as knowledgeable and your product as the answer to their problems.

Value Proposition and Call to Action

Clearly articulate how your solution can address their pain points. Follow this with a clear call to action, such as scheduling a brief chat or a demo. Keep your emails concise and focused on how you can help them achieve their goals.

Cold Calling Techniques

Pre-Call Research

Effective cold calls start with thorough research. Know who you’re calling, their role, and the challenges they might be facing. This preparation allows you to tailor your pitch and handle objections more effectively.

Structured Call Approach

    .1Opener: Introduce yourself and acknowledge that your call is unexpected.
    .2Reason for Calling: Reference your research and explain why you believe your solution can help them.
    .3Ask for the Meeting: Clearly request a follow-up meeting, ensuring you articulate the value they’ll gain from it.

Active Listening and Objection Handling

Listen carefully to the prospect’s responses and adapt your approach based on their feedback. Handling objections calmly and providing relevant information can help turn a hesitant prospect into a potential client.


In 2024, successful prospecting will hinge on the effective use of technology, personalised communication, and strategic planning. By equipping your BDRs with the right tools and techniques, you can ensure they are well-prepared to navigate the modern sales landscape and drive your business forward.

For more tips and resources, stay connected with us at Yopla, and let’s make 2024 a year of growth and success.