What to expect


In today's digital world, understanding where your organisation stands and finding ways to improve is key to grabbing new opportunities and solving challenges. Over the coming months, we're going to measure how digitally mature your organisation is, using a scale from 0 to 4.

We really want a wide selection of representation across the organisation, so you've been invited to participate in a questionnaire to get your input and share what you think about certain topics. Your thoughts and experiences are really important to us, and there are no wrong answers. Just tell us honestly how you see things. Your feedback, along with other assessments we'll be doing, will guide us to offer the best advice and strategies for moving forward.

"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft

Our AI powered form

To achieve this, we’ll need to gather as much information from participants as possible. We’ll be using an AI form which will ask a series of questions … the results of this will enable us to get a feel for the organisation, how it operates and the tools you use.

The form itself is comprised of questions, ranging from simple confirmations i.e. name and email address, through to detailed response questions. Where a more comprehensive response is requested, it would be great if you could give as much information as you can. The more we have, the better we’ll be able to understand certain areas, and identify where we need to dig a little deeper.

Keep in mind, our questionnaire is powered by AI, which means it's constantly learning and evolving. If anything unexpected occurs or you have any concerns, just let us know!

General guidance for completing the form.

Throughout the questionnaire, you’ll find a variety of questions designed to capture your insights. Some will invite you to share your thoughts in your own words, while others will offer multiple choice options or ask you to evaluate a statement on a scale from 1 to 5.

Where there are multiple choice answers, please select from the options provided rather than typing unique responses.

For scale-based questions, a score of 1 is the lowest you can give, so for example it didn’t meet your expectations at all, or you're very unhappy. On the other hand, a score of 5 represents excellence, complete agreement, or total satisfaction.

Sometimes, you might find that following an answer you've given, the AI asks you for any extra details you'd like to share. Please make sure that you provide as much information as you can!

If you find yourself confused at any point, you can just ask the AI. In the 'Type here' box, just let it know what you'd like to know!

So, for example, below as highlighted by the pink arrow, the user isn't sure what was meant by 'company handbook' so has asked the AI for clarification.

Just hit enter, and the AI will give you an answer to your question, before repeating the original options. You can do this as often as you like, and it will help you out as much as you need along the way!

The colour combination has been designed to be suitable for most users, but for those with different visual requirements we can change the aesthetics as required. Similarly, if the font style or size is an issue, just let us know and we'll change to accommodate what works best for you!

While the 'Type here' option allows for the flexibility of typing your own responses to multiple choice questions, we encourage you to select from the provided options whenever possible to ensure consistency across responses!

Fill in the form verbally.

For those who prefer to do so, the form can be completed verbally, with the answers transcribed to text by the background AI. Clicking the microphone icon at the bottom of the page will enable this feature for that specific question. The colour combination has been designed to be suitable for most users, but for those with different visual requirements we can change the aesthetics as required.  

Discovery, next steps.

Once we've reviewed all the completed forms and the additional information about your organisation, we’ll be asking some people for a more thorough conversation to help us dive deeper.

"The word 'feedback' should be thought of as a goldmine, an opportunity to learn and grow, not something that we should be afraid of." Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

Our goal is to ensure that the digital maturity assessment we're conducting is an accurate, true reflection of your unique organisation. These discussions are key to understanding the finer nuances that make your organisation what it is. It's about getting the story behind the numbers and the facts, which is essential for us to provide recommendations that are tailored specifically to help your organisation thrive in the digital age.

We know talking to external auditors may seem a bit uncomfortable, but we aim to make these discussions relaxed and productive. The more we understand, the more accurate our final observations will be!

We're really excited about the opportunity to learn more about you and your organisation. Your input is very much appreciated, and should you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to assist you every step of the way!

"Constant feedback loops are essential. If you're not getting feedback, you're not learning." Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla