Understanding personalities

Why understanding your team's personalities matters when going digital

As we all drive to make our workplaces more digital, it's important to understand why our teams act and think the way they do. That's where the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI for short, comes in handy. It's like a guidebook that helps us see how different people in our organisations prefer to work and talk to each other, especially when everything's changing because of digital transformation.

MBTI in a nutshell

MBTI sorts everyone into 16 personality types. It's not about putting people in boxes but understanding the wonderful variety of people in the world. This helps a lot when we're trying to work better together, especially when new digital tools and ambitions come to play. Here's a bit about what we think MBTI does for us:

  • Communicating effectively: People like to chat in their own way. Some are all about the facts, and others love to add more feeling into the mix. Knowing this can help us talk more effectively with each other, making sure nobody gets the wrong end of the stick, especially when we're all trying to figure out new digital tools.
  • Who does what best: When jobs change because of new tech, MBTI can help us to see who might like their new role the most or be most aligned with the need. This leads to happier, more resilient and productive people.
  • Leading the way: Change can be tricky. MBTI tells helps us to see who's ready to jump right in and who might need a little more help. Leaders can use this to make sure everyone's moving forward together comfortably.
  • Making change smoother: Not everyone likes change. MBTI helps us see how different personalities might react, letting us plan better and keep everyone on board.
  • Learning new stuff: Everyone learns differently. Some people like to dive in and try things, and others need to understand the theory first. MBTI helps us figure out the best way to bring everyone along with new digital skills.

The groups of personality in MBTI

MBTI divides personalities into four groups, making it easier to see how we can all work together:

    .1Analysts (Purple): Love to solve problems and think about the big picture. They're great at coming up with new ideas but sometimes miss out on the people side of things.
    .2Diplomats (Green): They're all about making connections and caring for others. Diplomats are super at bringing teams together and making sure everyone feels valued.
    .3Sentinels (Blue): Steadfast and reliable. They keep things running smoothly and stick to what works. Sentinels are great at organising and paying attention to the details.
    .4Explorers (Yellow): Always up for trying something new, Explorers are the ones who dive in headfirst. They're great at thinking on their feet and keeping things lively.

So, what does this all mean?

By using MBTI at Yopla we open the conversation about different personalities, making the journey into the digital world a lot smoother. It's all about playing to everyone's strengths and making sure we're all talking the same language. Understanding our differences means we can work better together, learn new things more easily, and make the workplace a happier place, especially as we bring in new tech.

Getting to know the different personality types helps us all get along better and get more done. It's part of our secret sauce and commitment to aligning people and technology, making our digital changes a big success.